/** * A Carousel - <strike>UX/COE Compliant</strike> * <BR><BR><img src=../images/carousel.png width=80% style="border:1px lime dashed";> * <BR><BR><a href="../html/carousel.html">DEMO</a> */ class Carousel extends HTMLElement { constructor() { console.group("Carousel.constructor") super(); console.groupEnd(); }; /** * Set observable values here. When Changed, attributeChangedCallback is invoked * @observedAttributes */ static get observedAttributes() { console.group("Carousel.observedAttributes"); this.observables = ["background"]; console.log(this.observables); console.groupEnd(); return this.observables; }; /** * This function is called when this is attached to DOM * @connectedCallback. */ connectedCallback() { console.group("Carousel.connectedCallback") let self = this; // MAKE SURE OUR COMPONENT HAS GLOBAL CLASS this.classList.add("wc"); // FETCH ALL INTERESTING ELEMENTS this._fetchElements(); // FETCH ALL ATTRIBUTES this._fetchAttributes(); let id = this.id; let tstr = "<div id='" + id + "-container" + "' class='carousel slide' data-ride='carousel'><ol class='carousel-indicators'>"; for (let i=0; i<this.dom.items.length; i++) { // ALWAYS ACTIVATE FIRST ITEM let tmp = "" if (i == 0) { tmp = " class='active'" } else { tmp = "" } tstr += "<li data-target='#" + id + "-container" + "' data-slide-to='" + i + "'" + tmp + "></li>"; } tstr += "</ol>"; tstr += "<div class='carousel-inner'>"; for (let i=0; i<this.dom.items.length; i++) { // ALWAYS ACTIVATE FIRST ITEM let tmp = "" if (i == 0) { tmp = " active" } else { tmp = "" } let caption = this.dom.items[i].getAttribute("caption"); tstr += "<div class='item" + tmp + "'>" + this.dom.items[i].querySelector("wc-carousel-item-content").innerHTML + "<div class='carousel-caption-fixed'>" + caption + "</div></div>"; } tstr += "</div>"; tstr += "<a class='left carousel-control' href='#" + id + "-container" + "' role='button' data-slide='prev'>" tstr += "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span>" tstr += "<a class='right carousel-control' href='#" + id + "-container" + "' role='button' data-slide='next'>" tstr += "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span>" this.innerHTML = tstr; // WRAP UP AND ADD STATS this._finalize(); // SHOW IT NOW (NO FLICKERS) this.style.visibility = "visible"; console.groupEnd(); }; /** * Invoked When component is removed. Usually with a .remove() function call * @disconnectedCallback */ disconnectedCallback() { console.group("Carousel.disconnectedCallback") /* CLEAN UP NOW */ console.groupEnd(); }; /** * Called with .setAttribute(...) function call * @attributeChangedCallback */ attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldval, newval) { console.group("Carousel.attributeChangedCallback:", attr, oldval, newval); this.properties = this.properties || []; // EXAMPLE ONLY. replace with observables switch(attr) { case "background": this.properties.background = newval; this.style.background = this.properties.background; break; } console.groupEnd(); }; /** * Stores DOM elements of interest for future use * @_fetchElements */ _fetchElements() { console.group("Carousel._fetchElements"); this.dom = this.dom || []; this.dom.content = this.innerHTML; this.dom.items = this.querySelectorAll("wc-carousel-item"); console.groupEnd(); }; /** * Component attributes are _fetched and defaults are set if undefined * @_fetchAttributes * @param {string} [background=indianred] background color */ _fetchAttributes() { console.group("Carousel._fetchAttributes"); this.properties = { "cname" : "Carousel", "author" : "Mel Heravi", "version" : "1.0", "background" : "indianred" }; // EXAMPLE ONLY. replace with attributes if (this.hasAttribute("background")) { this.properties.background = this.getAttribute("background"); console.log("background: ", this.properties.background); } console.groupEnd(); }; /** * Destroy the instance object and artifacts * @_destroy */ destroy() { console.group("Message.destroy:", this.id); // FREE POINTER delete this; // REMOVE ITEM FROM DOM this.parentNode.removeChild(this); console.groupEnd(); }; /** * SAVE DATA FOR ANALYTICS * @__finalize */ _finalize() { console.group("Carousel._finalize:", this.id); this.classList.add("wc"); // ADD ANALYTICS HERE wc.getStats(this, this.properties.cname, this.properties.version); console.groupEnd(); }; /** * FOR TESTING PURPOSES * @test */ static test() { console.group("Carousel.test"); console.log("testing results will be printed here..."); console.groupEnd(); return true; } } window.customElements.define('wc-carousel', Carousel);