Mehra Heravi POC(s) created (2023)

# POC title Requestor Status Implemetaion Video Link
A WebSocket Aman Anwari Completed 2024 + Live Hints
A project to display "active" users in the system as well as # of users on current page. Also demostrates screen objects being edited
B WebSocket General Kamlesh & Prasanth Available for demo 2024 + General WebSocket
This POC shows possible strength of websockets to inform users of events on a page or application. If an object is beng manipulated by some remote user, display of each user is updated with visual symbols, borders etc. which are then removed once the editing user saves changes
C Scoping Matrix Prasanth In Progress 2023 Scoping Matring
Scoping matrix in its current stage is hard to use due to the many columns in contains. This requires users to scroll constantly with no capabilities to find an element of interest or hide certain unwanted columns. "Findability" is a solution offered that can help users to quickly find and react to updates.
D AQN - Audit Quality Notification Roncella + KPMG In Progress 2023 ---
The work file structure of the KPMG Clara workflows enables users to confirm completeness of sign-offs, perform confirmations regarding completeness. (This is a work in progress)
E ESG Prasanth Completed 2023 ESG
Awaiting Prasanth's feedback on this since I never got any requirements and built this from my conversations with him !
F DDA - Data Driven App Mel Requires feedback TBD Data Driven App
This is a concept POC to show that just about 90% of our current apps can be produced from a series of JSON files. This concept only works in conjunction with "Smart Web Components".
G Environment Social Governance Vijesh Ollithodi Presented ideas TBD ---
This is a project to deal with Environment Social Governance (ESG) by providing echo frienly colors, images and backgrounds in such a way as not to distract user from their day to day work.