SOME INSIGHT INTO THE FOLDERS: -------------------------------- These are the files required for applications to run: 1) GLOBAL STYLES / FONTS ETC. ./w/dist/wc.css ./w/scss/fonts 2) APPLICATION SPECIFIC STYLES ./w/scss/.scss (ltt.scss | wfa.scss) 3) Required JSON file(s) 4) APPLICATION SPECIFIC JAVASCRIPTS ./w/js/ltt.js ./w/js/wfa.js 5) UTILITY FUNCTIONS ./w/dist/wc.js I left them in original folders that is setup with my own TOOLKIT. Please DO NOT touch anything there without consulting me (I will not take responsibility). >>> Make a copy of this folder and experiment on your own <<< ****************************************************************************** VERSION: 05.18.2023 (in my own Git Repository) ---------------------------------------------- Should you decide to have me make changes to apps, I always start with my delivered version and not what you have ***************************************************************** Questions? Mel/Mehra Mehra.Heravi@OrionInc.som +1 646 303-1234